Imagine being at the centre of a circle. This represents you being in complete balance and harmony within yourself, your relationships and your environment and circumstances: Not stuck in the past, not living in the future, present - in the moment. From this state of being you respond, rather than react. No longer locked into automatic, misguided defence mechanisms that hold you in unhealthy or unproductive patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. Instead you are able to regulate your thoughts and emotions effectively, with intellectual control - rational and calm - you are 'centred'. When you are connected to your higher self, you know, feel and take action on what is truly right for you - you naturally 'return to your authentic self'.
From a very early age I wanted to make sense of the experiences I was going through and what this meant about me, and found myself drawn to books about Astrology. Being presented with the psychology behind why we do what we do and how we process our experiences on a personal level resonated with me very deeply.
Astrology also helped me to better understand other people too - their motivations and challenges. And it didn't take long before I was hooked!
As I got older it became increasingly more apparent that I felt a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others and naturally found myself listening to the person behind the words. To have someone who will accept you and understand your experience can be profoundly healing. To eventually become a counsellor was a natural choice for me.
Once I became an adult I embarked on a formal course of training to become a professional Astrologer. Alongside this I also pursued my interest in the natural world, specifically crystals. The beauty and mystery of crystals fascinate me and my knowledge and skills in using their healing potential was greatly expanded when training to become a crystal therapist. It was through this training that my understanding developed on how the mind, body and emotions are connected. Further to this, intrigued by the adaptability of the mind and its effects on the quality of our lives, I found myself drawn to hypnotherapy and the amazing results that it produces : freeing us from our limitations to achieve what is important to us.
Ultimately, the training I went through to become an Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counsellor has enhanced my holistic practices and in turn my holistic understanding has enhanced my work as a counsellor.
Whilst on the surface it may appear that these therapies / disciplines are very different, yet all fundamentally come from a place of empathy, compassion and acceptance of each person as an individual. We each have value and through gaining holistic self-awareness we begin to unlock our place and purpose in the world.
To get to the heart of the matter and connect to who we really are is my passion. Through accepting ourselves, living life in tune with our authentic self and being 'centred', we find a place of peace and comfort - becoming a more positive presence in the world.
Marcus Aurelius
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